Dave Martucci's Bio
David B. Martucci
240 Calderwood Road
Washington, Maine 04574-3440
- Vexillologist since 1966, age 14.
- President, North American Vexillological Association (NAVA);
1998-2004; member since 1967; Advisor to the Executive Board 2004-2008.
- North American delegate to the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV),
Victoria, BC 1999 and York, UK 2001.
- Secretary/Treasurer, New England Vexillological Association.
- Editor, New England Journal of Vexillology.
- Former editor, NAVA News, 1999-2007.
- Professional Antique US Flag Appraiser, select client/job list.
- Peabody Historical Society and Museum, Peabody, MA, 13-star Post Civil War Flag, 2002
- 44th Alabama Regiment CSA, 2003
- Montpelier-The General Henry Knox Memorial, Thomaston, ME, 1799 Massachusetts Cavalry Flag, 2004
- General Pershing's Rank Flag, 2004
- The Kennedy Flag Collection (310 Flags and 167 Flag Books and Publications), 2004
- 1739 Connecticut Militia Flag, 2006
- The Collection of the Late Mr. Leon (32 Flags), 2006-2010
- Civil War Confederate Naval Flag Collection (8 Flags) formerly owned by Gideon Welles, Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy, 2008
- World War II Japanese Flag signed by Douglas MacArthur and the Allied Press Corps at the surrender of Tokyo in 1945, 2009
- The National Museum of Australia, Australian Flag carried to the Klondike in 1898, 2010
- Daniels County Museum, Scobey, MT, 13-star Centennial Flag, 2011
- The Field Library, Peekskill, NY, 13-star Centennial Kit Flag, 2011
- Onondaga Historical Association, Syracuse, NY, Confederate Flag, 2012
- State of New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, NH, 70+ flag collection, 2016.
- Lexington Massachusetts Historical Society, 50+ flag collection, 2016.
- Sixteen Star US Flag, belonging to Captain Josiah Snow Richer, Company B, 1st Regiment Maine State Volunteers, 1864; 2016.
- D-Day Flag of USS LCI 420, 2017.
- Sixteen Star US Flag, associated with Joseph H. Manley's Summer Cottage; 2018
- Certified Maine Assessor (CMA).
- Designer: NAVA seal and more than 100 flags.
- First NAVA meeting attended: 1967 in Chillum, Maryland.
- Presented papers,
- Flags of New Jersey, Third International Congress of Vexillology, Boston MA, 1969.
- An Overview of Maine Flag History, NAVA's 27th Annual Meeting, Portland ME 1993
- Technology to the Rescue! Maine's First State Colors, Eighteenth International Congress of Vexillology, Victoria BC, 1999.
- Using Star Patterns to Date U.S. Flags, NAVA's 38th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis IN, 2004.
- Flag and Symbol Usage in Early New England, NAVA's 39th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, 2005. Winner of the Driver Award for Best Paper.
- The Standards of the Manhattoes, Pavonia & Hell-Gate, Twenty-Fourth International Congress of Vexillology, Washington, DC, 2011.
- Wayne's World of Flags, NAVA's 46th Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, 2012
- The Second Continental New Hampshire National and Regimental Colors of 1777, NAVA's 51st Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2017
- The Sixteen-Star Flag: Strawman of the Rebellion, NAVA's 52nd Annual Meeting, Québec City, PQ, 2018
- Articles Published (partial listing):
- Flags of New Jersey, Flag Bulletin, Vol. X, No. 2-3 (1970).
- The Red and The Black, Flag Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 3 (1973).
- http://intervexi.net: Flags on the Web, Flag Bulletin, Vol. XXXV No. 6 (1998).
- Limitations on Flag Usage in the United States, Flag Bulletin #193 (2000)
- Survey of 18th Century Stars and Stripes, NAVA News #167, Jan-June, 2000.
- The Fancy Work of Francis Hopkinson, NAVA News, #171, Jul-Sep 2001.
- Technology to the Rescue! Maine's First State Colors, Flags From Sea to Sea, Canadian Flag Association, 2001 (also published in Maine History, Summer 2003).
- U.S. Navy "Boat" Flags, NAVA News, #176, Oct-Dec 2002.
- Samuel C. Reid's U.S. Flag proposals of 1818, NAVA News, #187, Jul-Sep 2005.
- Flag and Symbol Usage in Early New England, Raven, #13, 2006.
- A Diversity of Stars and Stripes: Variants of the American Flag Since 1775 (224 images by Dave Martucci based on the Kissel Collection), NAVA News, #190, Apr-Jun 2006.
- The Standards of the Manhattoes, Pavonia & Hell-Gate, Proceedings of ICV XXIV, 2012.
- Wayne's World (of flags), Raven #22, 2015.
- Sally Ann and the Flag Factory, Raven #24, 2017.
- A New Interpretation of the History of the Second Continental New Hampshire Regimental Colors of 1777, Historical New Hampshire, New Hampshire Historical Society, March 2018.
- Steamboat's a-Comin': Flags Used Afloat in the Nineteenth Century, Vexillum #1, March 2018
- The 2nd New Hampshire Continental Regiment National and Regimental Colors of 1777, Military Collector & Historian, Company of Military Historians, Spring 2019.
- Fact-checker for the historic US Stamps released by the USPS on June 14, 2000.
- Interviewed for History Channel "This Week in History" film on US Flag first aired July 5, 2002.
- Original essay on US Flag History featured in Boeing Corporation radio ad campaign first aired July 1, 2002.
- Contributory artist, Flag Bulletin.
- Produced cover, Flag Bulletin, Vol. XX, No. 6.
- Former research assistant, Flag Research Center.
- Author, special electronic publishing projects, Flag Heritage Foundation.
- Member/former-assistant list master, Flags of the World (FOTW) email list.
- Contributor/former-editor, FOTW web site.
- Lectures on Flags.
- Edits vexillological web sites on line, http://www.vexman.net/
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